Ann Liu

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The Endless Applications of Acrylic Products in Everyday Life


Acrylic is on the list of the most commonly used and diverse plastics in the entire world today. Acrylic is used in all sorts of applications today ranging from commercial products to the household appliances we use every day. Below are some of the easiest approaches through which these acrylic products can be seen to influence our daily lives.


This plastic is employed in the making of numerous housewears that we come across in our everyday lives. This includes:

  • Drinking glasses – Acrylic is extremely durable, more specifically it has great impact resistance and is available in virtually every conceivable color and design. It is a type of tableware that is for beverages as an alternative to glass.

  • Food storage containers – Having clear plastic food containers that are made of acrylic helps you to identify the contents without having to open the container. It also...

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The Benefits of Renting a Photography Studio for Your Next Shoot


Shooting in a rented photography studio can be advantageous in comparison with shooting outdoors or in premise-like home studios. Here are some of the top reasons to consider booking studio time for your upcoming projects:Here are some of the top reasons to consider booking studio time for your upcoming projects:

Controlled Environment

Another advantage of shooting in a studio that you rent is that you will be able to regulate all the shooting conditions. It means that the shoot is not influenced by aspects like weather, changes in light, noises, and other factors that may hinder a shoot. Studio Photography means that you can organize the shooting area according to your preference and using the studio lighting, studio backdrops, studio props and other accessories. This helps you avoid situations where something that you did not expect disrupts the appearance, feel or atmosphere that...

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Transform Your Retail Space with Eye-Catching Standee Displays


Transform Your Retail Space with Eye-Catching Standee Displays
Retail standees are thus effective in improving display zones and also aesthetic picture of any shop. Strategically positioned standee displays are a good technique through which the retail companies can easily entice their customers and ensure they publicize their offers and promotional campaigns.

What is Understanding Retail Standee Displays?

In simple terms a standee is a free standing vertical pocket which is self supporting in nature. Types of standees include: There are many forms of standees available in the market depending on the material, size, and price. They usually range from single to double faced, high enough to allow them to be noticed from a distance and self-supporting structures.

Here are the most common types of standees found in retail environments:Here are the most common types of standees found in...

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Sustainable Whisky Packaging: Eco-Friendly Options for Distilleries


There are increasing trends of consumers demanding goods that are produced through the right sources and in the right manner that will not harm the environment therefore, many whisky distilleries are changing their packaging to ecological ones. From the bottles themselves to the packaging material and the lack of the latter in some cases, various distilleries have introduced measures that would fit the whisky bottling and shipping regimes into environmentalism. This article will try to identify some of the reasons for such changes as well as present a brief on some of the environmentally-sustainable packaging solutions currently available to whisky makers.

Why Sustainable Packaging Matters

The whisky industry has grown increasingly sensitive in the last year regarding its effects on the environment. Over £4. 5bn of Scotch whisky was exported in 2021, indicating the demand for one of...

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The Art and Craft of Designing Whisky Packaging Boxes


Designing whisky packaging boxes are a complex process that involves the art and craft of packaging.

Some consider whisky simply as an alcoholic beverage, however, whisky is considered to be much more than that but rather an experience. Beginning with the physical handling of the bottle and glass, right through the process of imbibing the contents of the whisky, the packaging contributes significantly to the overall experience of consuming the whisky. That is why creating a whisky box is a task that is not much different from creating the whisky itself which also demands art and craft.

The Shape

The shape of the box should be intricate and that at the same time it should be practical. Flat boxes are more common especially square and rectangular due to their ability to create proper stacking order on the shelves of stores. But if the box is round, oval, or of any other...

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From Concept to Shelf: The Process of Designing a Whisky Packaging Box


Labelling or packaging of goods are special techniques that plays a major role in the marketing mix of any product. In the case of such products as whisky, the packaging’s role is paramount with regard to affecting consumers’ perception of quality and associating the product with prestige. To showcase an innovative whisky packaging box from the drawing board, to manufacturing stage and store the final product is an elaborate procedure that requires the input of several players.

Concept and Brainstorming

In the case of packaging design, there is need to understand the positioning and identity of the whisky brand to begin the design process. These aspects include; target market, price range, style [classic or modern], and personality of the items to be advertised by the particular campaign that the marketing departments propose to the designers. There can be certain narrative of the...

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A Guide to Choosing the Perfect Custom Cooler Bag for Your Needs


Whether you want the cooler bag for workplaces, for travels, or for outdoor activities, it is crucial to always ensures that you get one cooler bag that meets your requirements. There are many sizes, shapes, features, and possibilities for customization in the present-day and it may be difficult to decide on a custom cooler. The following guide aims at providing you with an understanding of what to look for in the coolest cooler bag for your use.

The primary use of the Cooler should also be established
First, consider which aspects of the cooler are the most important to you because you will be using the cooler mostly for that purpose. Common uses for custom coolers include:Common uses for custom coolers include:

  • Preparing for a day at the sea, park or a sporting occasion whereby one needs to pack drinks and snacks.
  • Packaging of cold food that is taken to work or school each day
  • ...

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How PVC Card Printing Can Elevate Your Business Branding


Want to know how PVC card printing can help your business in terms of branding?

Brand identities not only serve as a means of communication with the business world and its consumers but they are also a necessity in the modern world of business. Another simple yet very powerful strategy that is sometimes overlooked is custom PVC card printing in order to complement and enhance the business branding.

These PVC, or polyvinyl chloride, cards have numerous branding and promotional uses that can help to re-emphasize a company’s identity and agenda to internal as well as external stakeholders. Now, it is important to discuss some of the essential factors that will highlight why investing in custom PVC card printing is an effective method of taking your branding to another level.

Build Brand Recognition

Being consistent in the visual aspect is always a key sign of large firms and brands...

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The Benefits of Using Custom Cooler Bags for Corporate Events


Corporative meetings are undeniably essential, as they help companies interact with clients, employees as well as business associates. Whether they be trade shows, product launches, company outings, or charity golf outings, corporate events help to foster and fortify the business relationships. It is always essential to give bespoke and put innovative gifts during such occasions since they mark a good impression.

A popular corporate gift that has emerged over the recent past is the customized cooler bags. While cooler bags not only serve the purpose of getting an item from one place to another, they also create a useful advertising space. Here are some of the top benefits of providing custom cooler bags at your next corporate event:Here are some of the top benefits of providing custom cooler bags at your next corporate event:

Prominent Branding Opportunity

An added bonus of...

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The Importance of High-Quality Content Writing Services for Your Business


In today’s modern and technological community, we can say that content is the ruler or supreme. Professional and engaging content serves to attract visitors to the site, create brand awareness of the company and its products, and ultimately persuade the visitors to become customers. In many cases, small businesses and start-ups do not have their own in-house writers and therefore outsourcing your content writing can have a massive payoff. Here’s why you should consider investing in custom content creation:Here’s why you should consider investing in custom content creation:

Boosts Your SEO

The first and perhaps one of the most basic benefits that can be derived from content writing services is in the area of SEO. Google, for instance, updates its algorithm periodically, but it is still keen on websites that post genuine content that is relevant, unique, and interesting to a target...

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